凯时线上 Staff

Meet the 凯时线上's Professional Staff

在杰纳西县经济发展中心的领导团队有大量的业务, project management, 以及政府经验,他们用这些经验来帮助杰纳西县的所有类型的企业.  从全新的初创企业到数十亿美元的选址客户, 凯时线上随时准备帮助您成功创业.   


Steven G. Hyde, MBA

President and Chief Executive Officer
Steve Hyde是杰纳西县经济发展中心(凯时线上)的总裁兼首席执行官。, 领导着杰内西县的经济发展活动, NY within the Buffalo-Rochester Tech Corridor.
Steve has had extensive private sector experience in sales, business development, 营销和财务侧重于在信息技术和医疗设备领域建立和发展企业. 著名的职位包括一家医疗设备制造商的业务和技术开发副总裁,一家初创信息技术服务公司的业务开发执行副总裁.
史蒂夫利用他在私营部门的经验,开发了八个以工业为重点的工业园区, workforce solutions, 并提供基于项目的结构性融资和激励措施,帮助了500多个经济发展项目. 他一直专注于通过商业吸引和扩张活动将制造业带回纽约州北部的战略目标.
Steve工作的一个亮点是250英亩的Genesee Valley农业商业园区的成功开发以及1250英亩的STAMP绿色制造超级基地. 通过爱德华兹半导体和Plug Power的大规模设施投资承诺,STAMP网站最初吸引了超过6亿美元的投资和近700个高薪工作岗位. Much of this was done in partnership with federal, state, regional, local municipal and utility partners.
在他的领导下,杰内西县和巴达维亚小城市地区连续19年被《凯时线上登录》评为美国发展最快的10个小城市社区. 2012年,史蒂夫被纽约州经济发展委员会(NYSEDC)评为纽约州年度经济开发者.
Steve is a graduate of Genesee Community College, Cornell University, and Rochester Institute of Technology. 他在多个董事会任职,包括目前任职于Finger Lakes Regional Economic Development Council和Greater Rochester Enterprise的董事会, Invest Buffalo Niagara,此前曾担任纽约证券交易委员会主席. Steve is married and resides in Batavia with his wife, JoAnn, and has two children, Robert and Carissa and one grandchild.

MarkMasse.pngMark Masse, CPA

Sr. VP of Operations
Mark Masse毕业于LeRoy High School和拿撒勒学院(Nazareth College of Rochester),拥有会计学位, and is a certified public accountant in New York State. 
在加入凯时线上之前,Mark曾在Freed, Maxick工作 & 他在巴塔利亚工作了15年,专门从事与公司打交道的小企业问题, sub-chapter S corporations, partnerships and individuals.  这些问题包括从编制联邦和州所得税申报表到编制或审查财务报表.  马克在住房和城市发展部和美国农业部资助的低收入住房项目方面也有丰富的工作经验, and auto dealerships.  在从事公共会计工作期间,他在包括建筑在内的多个行业积累了经验, manufacturing and agriculture.
Mark provides leadership and direct project management, 与该组织的土木工程公司和财务人员合作, leading the way in the development, infrastructure deployment, 融资和管理该组织的房地产资产组合,包括该中心的8个准备就绪的开发地点以及43个的整体运营和管理,000 square foot Upstate MedTech Centre.
马克是2002届领导力基金项目的毕业生,也是该项目的前任基金主席, 指导和课程委员会以及许多设计团队的成员.  马克成功完成了领导力嘉纳喜的高级促进技巧培训,并作为讲师之一参加了培训. 
马克还曾在巴达维亚市区商业改善区的经济发展委员会和公共市场委员会任职, 并担任巴达维亚发展公司的董事会成员.  Mark曾担任Genesee County CASA for Children的前任总裁和董事会财务主管, Inc. a not-for-profit entity.  马克还在联合劝募、青少年成就、美国红十字会和基督教女青年会担任志愿者.

ChrisSuozzi.pngChris Suozzi, MBA

VP of Business & Workforce Development
Christopher J. 自2007年以来,Suozzi一直领导凯时线上的业务发展取得成功. Chris came to the 凯时线上 with 20 years of corporate executive experience in supply chain and site selection management from world class companies including; United Parcel Service, American Tourister/Samsonite, Alberto Culver, Rich Products and Rosina Food Products. He holds an AS from Genesee Community College, 阿尔弗雷德大学工业工程学士学位,杰克逊维尔大学行政工商管理硕士学位.
As Vice President of Business & Workforce Development, Chris leads business attraction, retention and expansion projects for the 凯时线上's 2,000+ acres of shovel-ready sites, including the Western New York Science & Technology Advance Manufacturing Park (WNY STAMP).
At the Genesee Valley Agribusiness Park, 这些努力使企业能够在15天内获得场地许可证,并实现了超过5亿美元的资本投资和1亿美元的投资,000 jobs at the regional dairy hub.
克里斯还领导着一个劳动力发展和培训合作伙伴联盟,提供他的Genesee F.A.S.T. 快速部署人才和培训制造公司增长或改善其劳动力的计划. As a youth career coach, “教练斯瓦兹”领导的项目激发了学生对STEM和技术行业职业的兴趣, 为K-12年级的学生提供建议,让他们在自己的后院找到合适的当地工作机会,并在我们准备就绪的地方找到未来的机会.
Chris is the Founding Co-Chairman of GLOW With Your Hands, serves on the board of the Genesee County Business & Education Alliance, 并协调资助了现代机电一体化实验室设备和焊接模拟器的项目. Chris还建立了第一届高级招聘会,在那里制造商招募了经过预先培训和专注于行业的学生, established multiple active pre-apprenticeship bootcamps, and expanded the Finger Lakes Youth Apprenticeship Program to Genesee County.

LezlieFarrell.pngLezlie Farrell, CPA

Chief Financial Officer
Lezlie Farrell毕业于LeRoy High School和SUNY Fredonia,获得会计学士学位.  She is also a Certified Public Accountant in New York State. 
在加入杰纳西县经济发展中心之前, Lezlie spent six years working in public accounting.  她专门从事政府和非营利实体的审计和内部控制审查, with extensive experience performing Single Audits.  Lezlie的经验还包括准备个人、合伙企业和公司的纳税申报表. 
As CFO, Lezlie is responsible for directing, coordinating, and maintaining the accounting system for the 凯时线上.  She oversees cash flow planning, budget preparation, internal controls, procurement policies, and portfolio management, as well as grant and loan funds. 
Lezlie是美国注册会计师协会和纽约州公共会计师协会的成员.  她曾在VITA(志愿所得税援助)做过几个纳税季的志愿者。.  Lezlie曾在LeRoy的阳光幼儿园担任财务主管4年.  她与丈夫安迪和两个女儿住在勒罗伊.

Penny Kennett Circle.pngPenny Kennett

Operations Manager
Penny Kennett is a graduate of Pavilion High School, Class of 1993, 毕业于Genesee Community College,获得会计副学士学位, 在布法罗的德尤维尔学院获得商业管理学士学位.
Penny manages operations, human resources, finances, administrational functions, and strategic planning for the organization.  潘妮负责办公室运作的组织和协调, procedures, 和资源,以促进组织的有效性和效率.  She also prepares monthly financial statements; cash management and monitoring; budget and audit preparation; financial compliance; oversees payable and receivable functions along with reconciliation of monthly bank statements, and invoicing. 
She is responsible for supervision of the board meeting process ensuring that all open meetings rules and regulations are followed; facilitating IDA project and compliance reporting; oversees project insurance and local labor reporting; data management through the agencies Customer Relations Management (CRM) software. 
She currently lives in Batavia.

JimKrencik.pngJim Krencik

Senior Director, Marketing and Communications
Jim Krencik负责监督Genesee县经济发展中心信息的发展和执行, stakeholder engagement, 以及营销传播策略,以支持杰内西县社区的持续增长和活力, businesses, and people.
Since joining the 凯时线上 in 2018, Jim has led marketing for projects to grow career awareness among 25+ school districts in the GLOW Region; and support the small business community's recovery from the COVID pandemic.
Prior to joining the 凯时线上, 吉姆为纽约西部新闻媒体出版物工作了近十年, with a focus on business, agriculture and education.
作为一名志愿者,吉姆一直专注于青年领导技能的发展和艺术的发展 & 以文化为基础的计划,包括用你的手发光,杰纳西县4-H和杰纳西领导力.
吉姆是尼亚加拉县人,毕业于纽约州立大学布鲁克波特分校,获得新闻学和政治学学士学位. 他是领导力Genesee的2020届毕业生,住在巴达维亚市.

LaurenCasey.pngLauren Casey

Financial Assistant
劳伦·凯西毕业于夏洛特天主教高中, NC) and John Carroll University (University Heights, 拥有金融学学士学位和工商管理硕士学位.
Lauren joined the 凯时线上 in 2019, 并作为财务助理负责公司的应收账款和应付账款职能, monthly bank reconciliations, and preparation of monthly financial statements.
她协助拨款申请和特殊项目以及必要的分析.  她通过起草议程来促进委员会和董事会会议的组织, distributing board materials to board members, tracking attendance and documenting minutes. 她还协助收集信息并将其输入公共当局报告信息系统.
劳伦于2009年搬到巴达维亚,并于2011年加入了Genesee县董事会的仁人家园, 在她6年的任期内担任副总裁和董事会主席.  She lives in Batavia with her husband and three children.

Emma Jane Finch.pngEmma Jane Finch

Operations Assistant
艾玛·简·芬奇毕业于圣母高中和罗伯茨卫斯理大学,获得国土安全、应用情报和心理学学士学位. Emma joined the 凯时线上 in 2023.
As an operations assistant, she is responsible for managing, organizing, scheduling, and maintaining information for the office. 她协助组织所有委员会和董事会会议, creation of board meeting agendas, 编制会议议程和会议记录文件. This role includes data entry, including use of a CRM database, maintaining and tracking of worksheets, data analysis and reporting.
Emma now lives in Pavilion, 在纽约,她在夏天为小学生们指导足球,并通过罗伯茨卫斯理大学参与当地学区的威胁评估.

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